91-102 EE&S 820-I E 665.indd
ثبت نشده
91 EE&S 820 Environmental Systems Analysis 3(3,0) Analysis of a systems view of environmental problems, with particular emphasis on conflicting objectives such as economic and environmental concerns. Example problems span traditional environmental engineering processes, natural resources, proactive environmental management, and sustainability. Preq: MTHSC 311 or consent of instructor. EE&S 832 Air Pollution Meteorology 3(3,0) Applications of meteorology to air pollution; micrometeorology; plume rise modeling; atmospheric diffusion; deposition and washout of pollutants; air chemistry; applications of diffusion modeling to air quality planning. Preq: Consent of instructor. EE&S 833 Air Pollution Control Systems 3(3,0) Principles and design of air pollution control equipment including mechanical collectors, electrostatic precipitators, baghouse filters, wet scrubbers, adsorbers, and incinerators. Offered spring semester only. Preq: EE&S 430 or consent of instructor. EE&S 834 Particles in the Atmosphere 3(3,0) Chemical and physical behavior of atmospheric particles and their interaction with other particles, gases and light; generation, measurement methods, and control strategies of atmospheric particles. Preq: EE&S 630, MTHSC 208, or consent of instructor. EE&S 837 Biodegradation and Bioremediation 3(3,0) Basic principles of biodegradation for major classes of organic contaminants including halogenated aliphatics and aromatics, fuel hydrocarbons, pesticides, and nitrated energetic compounds; biotransformations of metals; biodegradation principles applied to the development of bioremediation technologies including intrinsic, in situ, and on-site engineered approaches. Preq: EE&S 851. EE&S 843 Environmental Chemistry 3(3,0) Principles of chemical kinetics and thermodynamics applied to fundamental understanding of aqueous environmental samples including natural waters, wastewaters, and treated waters; factors controlling chemical concentrations, acid-base equilibria, solubility equilibria, complex formation, electrochemistry, adsorption phenomena. Offered fall semester only. Preq: CH 102 or equivalent. EE&S 844 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory I 3(2,3) Laboratory experience in basic analytical methods used in water quality studies; experimental design, sampling, wet-chemical analytical techniques, data collection and analysis, data interpretation, and data quality techniques. Offered fall semester only. Preq: Two semesters of general chemistry. EE&S 845 Environmental Organic Chemistry 3(3,0) Application of parameters that describe the equilibrium distribution and exchange rates for environmentally significant organic compounds to the modeling of processes in engineered and natural systems, including environmental parameter estimation techniques, structure-activity relationships, and integration of environmental processes to model contaminant distribution and residence time in environmental systems. Offered spring semester only. Preq: Two semesters of general chemistry, EE&S 843 or equivalent. EE&S 847 Advanced Environmental Chemistry 3(3,0) Advanced principles and methods in environmental engineering chemistry with applications to both natural and treatment systems; current investigative and study techniques; nature, fluxes, and controlling processes of chemical species and radionuclides in environmental systems. Preq: EE&S 843 or equivalent. EE&S 849 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory II 3(1,6) Theory and applications of instrumental methods of analysis as applied to measurements for environmental control; spectroscopy and spectrophotometric techniques; electrochemical analyses; chromatographic methods of analysis; light scattering and electrophoretic measurements. Offered fall semester only. EE&S 850 Stream and Estuarine Analysis 3(3,0) Physical, chemical, and biological processes and relationships which exist in streams and estuaries; estuarine environment; free-flowing streams; mechanisms describing transport of conservative and nonconservative materials through estuarine systems; the estuary as a resource and techniques for its management. Offered fall semester only. EE&S 851 Biological Principles of Environmental Engineering 3(3,0) Basic principles of biology and biochemistry as applied to problems of environmental control and wastewater treatment; kinetic and energetic aspects. Offered fall semester only. EE&S 852 Subsurface and Wetland Hydraulics 3(3,0) Hydraulics of subsurface water including hydraulic head and gradient concepts, Darcy’s Law, saturated/unsaturated flow, flow in aquifers and aquitards, flow to wells, and interactions with surface water in wetlands including discharge and development of seepage faces. Mathematics is at the level of elementary ordinary and partial differential equations. Preq: Differential equations, fluid mechanics or EE&S 802 or consent of instructor. EE&S 855 Surface and Subsurface Transport 3(3,0) Quantitative analysis of reactive transport and biodegradation in ground water and surface water; applications of the advection-dispersion equation with reaction terms including classical chemical reactions, radioactive decay, and reactions mediated by microbes. Preq: C E 340 and MTHSC 208 or equivalent. EE&S 856 Pollution of the Aquatic Environment 3(3,0) Effects of domestic and industrial water pollution on the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of natural waters; associated environmental determinants of human disease, toxicology, and epidemiology of chronic disease. Offered fall semester only. EE&S 861 Environmental Engineering and Science Seminar 1(1,0) Current advances and research developments in various areas of environmental engineering and science. Off-campus speakers, students, and faculty participate. To be taken Pass/Fail only. EE&S 880 Environmental Risk Assessment 3(3,0) Methodology of quantitative risk assessment including identification and quantification of the source term, calculation of environmental transport, and estimation of health effects. Applications involve various classes of contaminants in atmospheric and aquatic environmental pathways. Offered spring semester only. Preq: MTHSC 208, graduate standing in engineering or science. EE&S 881 Special Problems 1-4 Problems selected to meet interests and experiences of student and instructor. EE&S 883 Selected Topics in Environmental Engineering 1-4(1-4,0) Topics in environmental engineering not covered in other courses. Topics vary to keep pace with current developments. May be taken concurrently with EE&S 884, which (if offered) would be a different topic. EE&S 884 Selected Topics in Environmental Engineering 1-4(1-4,0) Topics in environmental engineering not covered in other courses. Topics vary to keep pace with current developments. May be taken concurrently with EE&S 883, which (if offered) would be a different topic. EE&S 891 Master’s Thesis Research 1-12 EE&S 961 Environmental Engineering and Science Doctoral Student Seminar 1(1,0) Current advances and research developments in various areas of environmental engineering and science. Doctoral students are required to enroll each semester that the course is offered and present one seminar per year. To be taken Pass/Fail only. EE&S 991 Doctoral Dissertation Research 1-12
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